AMEB Musicianship Grade 3 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz Posted on January 15, 2018May 1, 2020 by Tara Connolly Welcome to the AMEB Musicianship Grade 3 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz There are LOTS more terms to learn for Grade 3 (oh well). The terms listed below are in addition to the terms for Grades 1 and 2. There are 10 questions in this quiz. Click 'Next Question' to start the quiz. 1. What does 8va ('ottava') mean? play one octave higher than written set the metronome to beat at 80 crotchets per minute None 2. What does Da Capo al fine (D.C. al fine) mean? sustained until the word 'fine' from the beginning until the word 'fine' play until the word 'fine' None 3. What does tenuto (ten.) mean? sustained hold the note for its full value lightly with movement None 4. What does tre corde (T.C) mean? (four strings) release the soft pedal (four strings) with the soft pedal (three strings) release the soft pedal (three strings) with the soft pedal None 5. What does dolce mean? soft and sweet, sweetly play broadly sadly, plaintively calmly None 6. What does cantabile mean? in a singing style with a strong accent soft and sweet playfully None 7. What does con moto mean? with feeling with movement with agitation with force None 8. What does con grazia mean? play merrily play calmly and smoothly slow and solemn with grace None 9. What does M.M. mean? Maelzel's metronome (metronome marking) Mahler's metronome (metronome marking) Meissner's metronome (metronome marking) Metzger's metronome (metronome marking) None 10. What does presto mean? very fast becoming slower becoming faster lively and fast None Thanks for taking AMEB Musicianship Grade 3 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz. Submit your answers to find out your score! Please enter your details if you want your results to be sent to your email address! Your Name Your Email Time's up Tara Connolly AMEB Musicianship Grade 2 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz