AMEB Grade 4 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz Posted on November 6, 2017May 1, 2020 by Tara Connolly Welcome to the AMEB Grade 4 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz There are EVEN MORE terms to learn for Grade 4 (sigh). The terms in this quiz are in addition to the terms for Grades 1, 2 and 3. There are 10 questions in this quiz. Click 'Next Question' to start the quiz. 1. What is this sign called? acciaccatura upper mordent trill tenuto None 2. What does tremolo mean? bowing in a smooth gliding motion from one note to another bowing very rapidly to produce a shimmering or wavering effect None 3. What does stringendo mean? suddenly pressing on faster dying away softly in an undertone None 4. What does scherzando mean? solemnly gracefully suddenly playfully None 5. What does assai mean? playfully calmly very suddenly None 6. What is this sign called? lower mordent acciaccatura appoggiatura turn None 7. What does cantando mean? carefully slow and solemn in a singing style gracefully None 8. What does sul tasto mean? bow on or near the bridge bow on or near the finger board None 9. What does tempo giusto mean? at a consistent speed at the same speed tempo becomes faster tempo becomes slower None 10. What does sul ponticello (sul pont.) mean? bow on or near the finger board bow on or near the bridge None Thanks for taking AMEB Grade 4 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz. Submit your answers to find out your score! Please enter your details if you want your results to be sent to your email address! Your Name Your Email Time's up Tara Connolly AMEB Grade 3 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz AMEB Musicianship Grade 1 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz