AMEB Musicianship Grade 1 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz Posted on January 15, 2018May 1, 2020 by Tara Connolly Welcome to the AMEB Musicianship Grade 1 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz There are 10 questions in this quiz. Click 'Next Question' to start the quiz. 1. What does a tempo mean? change to new speed fried seafood, similar to ‘a tempura’ lively and fast return to former speed None 2. What does andante mean? quicker short and emphasised very lively at an easy walking pace None 3. What does mezzo forte (mf) mean? moderately soft moderately loud at a moderate speed slowly None 4. What does legato mean? faster for one bar short and detached smooth and shiny smooth, well connected None 5. What does this sign mean? short loud soft long None 6. What does this sign mean? indicates the end of a piece or important section indicates the start of a piece indicates a rest indicates a repeated bar None 7. What is this sign called? bar line rest repeat forte None 8. What is this sign called? staccato ritenuto forte legato None 9. What does rallentando (rall.) mean? gradually becoming slower immediately louder immediately slower gradually becoming softer None 10. What does staccato mean? very loud short and emphasised short and detached very fast None Thanks for taking AMEB Musicianship Grade 1 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz. Submit your answers to find out your score! Please enter your details if you want your results to be sent to your email address! Your Name Your Email Time's up Tara Connolly AMEB Grade 4 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz AMEB Musicianship Grade 2 Theory Terms and Signs Quiz